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Know Its Warnings: Symptoms Of Lymphoma

By Brian Jefferson

The type of cancer known as lymphoma, is caused when the white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are part of the lymphatic system begin to multiply at an abnormally rapid rate. Lymphoma is classified into Hodgkin lymphoma, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma; the difference between them is in the type of lymphocyte cell that is afflicted with the disease. Both types are very similar in terms of the symptoms they produce and the parts of the body that are affected. As the cells continue to multiply, they form a mass which typically invades areas of lymph tissue like the tonsils, spleen or lymph nodes. These cell masses turn into tumors which take over any tissue they are located in and ultimately destroy it. If not caught and treated early, the disease will take over by spreading from node to node until it fully metastasizes. It is essential to be able to recognize the symptoms of lymphoma when it is still in its early stages so it can be found and treated sooner and improve the patient's likely prognosis.

The primary distinctive sign of this illness is having one or more painless lumps or swellings that are located in the neck, armpit or groin area, which are the main areas in which lymph nodes are found. The lumps are really enlarged nodes that have become that way because of the accumulation of abnormal lymphocytes inside of them. In some cases, these lumps are the only indicator of the disease but it is the determining symptom of it because other accompanying signs are only linked to lymphoma if the lumps are found as well.

Another symptom often associated with the disease is a weight loss with no obvious explanation. Some people afflicted with the disease may lose 10-15 lbs. In 2 months or so, without intentionally reducing calories or partaking in an exercise program. A loss of appetite can result from the presence of this illness as well, which may eventually lead to a loss of 10% of the body weight in many cases.

When someone has a fever that keeps coming back in spite of taking medication, that is another warning sign. If there is no infection present such as a urinary tract infection or a respiratory infection, especially if a lump is detected, lymphoma is a real possibility. Although fevers can be caused by a number of ailments, if there are other symptoms along with it that are associated with this illness, it needs to be looked into.

If someone has become afflicted with this illness, they may wake up during the night and find that they are drenched in sweat. Having an aggravating, all-over body itch, is another condition that may accompany the sweats. The itching is caused by a substance produced by the cancerous lymphoma cells.

Weakness and fatigue are other symptoms that may be manifest with this condition. As the disease progresses and cancer cells grow and begin to take over, the body begins to feel tired and weak. It is also normal to feel as though one is out of breath as well. There may also be localized swelling and pain at the site where the enlarged lymph nodes are located.

The body often has a way of warning people when something is not right. If someone believes they have been experiencing any of these above-mentioned symptoms of lymphoma, it is very important they seek immediate medical attention. Early diagnosis is essential in order to begin treatment, this form of cancer does actually have a higher survival rate than some as long as these conditions are met.

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