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Regular Dentist Visits

By Yvonne Brixey

A visit to the dentist every six months is ideal for oral health. A common visit to the dentist office will include dental services such as an x-ray to determine the health of your teeth and bone, teeth care and cleaning, and polishing teeth with fluoride.

A dentist office keeps a record of your oral health and teeth structure with notes from each visit and also regular x-rays of your teeth, jaw and mouth. With the dental school training a dentist has received, a dentist can point out any areas on an x-ray where your teeth are more vulnerable or more show more bone health. A dentist can see where you have cavities and fillings or any teeth decay that may require more simple dental services or more complex dental surgery and health services. A dentist can see the placement of teeth in your mouth and those teeth that have not yet grown in from an x-ray. For instance, if your teeth are growing in the wrong direction which sometimes happens with wisdom teeth, a dentist can identify the position of the teeth which will help your dentist determine the type of dental surgery or teeth extraction that may be necessary. X-rays can also help a dentist to see the oral health of your bone and, if applicable, the adult teeth that are growing in and pushing baby teeth out. An x-ray can show a dentist why certain teeth are not showing up. A regular visit to the dentist for dental services including an x-ray of your teeth can help you save money, time, and improve your health by spotting problems before they get too developed. For example, a dentist may be able perform a simple dental procedure like wisdom teeth extraction, rather than a major dental surgery like removing problem third molars that have wrapped their roots around a nerve or something else that may necessitate more specialized surgery.

A regular visit to the dentist is most important for maintaining oral health which also affects your over-all health. At every regular dentist visit, your dentist will remove plaque and tartar build-up from your teeth. Everyone has a little tartar and plaque build-up on their teeth. Depending upon your saliva production and diet you may have more or less build-up on your teeth. Having your dentist remove this from your teeth will decrease the chance of getting decayed teeth and other oral problems that cause pain and necessitate teeth removal.

A regular visit to the dentist for cleaning your teeth will often eliminate the need for future root canal services or other dental care that is more expensive and painful. While cleaning your teeth your dentist may point out areas that are more vulnerable than other teeth. Such as teeth with deeper crevasses or areas near your saliva glands that tend to have more build-up. A dentist or their dental assistant will teach you how to care for your teeth and maintain good oral health. For instance a dentist or a dental assistant will teach you how to correctly floss or brush so that you don't wear away your gums while at the same time providing good oral care for your teeth.

Polishing your teeth with fluoride is good for a brighter smile and better oral health. These and many more are the dental services that a dentist will provide at your regular visits. Because of dental school training, your dentist will be able to answer many questions and concerns you may have about your teeth and oral health. Benefits of Going to the Dentist Regularly

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