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Addiction, Habit, Discipline - The Complications of Giving Up Tobacco

By Kevin Sjodin

Quitting smoking is a particularly challenging task and it needs self-control and commitment to complete it successfully. This document debates what's required to give up and paths to keep on course.

There are numerous different types of smokers. You have social smokers, drinking smokers (those who smoke just when they drink), heavy smokers, secret smokers, and the like. Maybe you know some individuals that fall into one or a number of these categories, and perhaps you fall into one of them yourself.

Whatever kind of smoker you are, you have one thing in similar with all of the other types of smokers "you've got an dependence on nicotine. It's also likely that you have got a practice of smoking (by this I mean the habit of holding a cigarette and puffing away, or smoking if you get in your car, etc.). So you've got both a habit and a dependence.

You don't have a reliance on tobacco or any of the over 4000 chemicals it creates when burned and smoked. You've got an reliance on one easy ingredient in that cigarette, and again, that ingredient is nicotine. That's the reason that the several different methods of giving up smoking are possible. The nicotine patch, the nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, the e-cigarette "all of these are instruments to deal with your nicotine craving which cut out all of the harmful toxins in tobacco cigarettes.

So when you come to that day where you make a decision to kill the habit due to the harm it's doing to your body, you have many avenues you can take. The one key that may make you successful at your mission to stop is that you need to have some self-control. Will power is a word which embodies plenty of other words and definitions. Self-control generally is the will to carry out one's decisions; to make good on the commitments you make to your self. You definitely need a plan, you must have persistence to stick to your scheme, and you want a means or some tools to help do your scheme and achieve your target. Thats what having willpower is all about. You can create will power with planning and preparation.

You should tell yourself continually that you can do it and you should believe you can do it. Tell your friend's about your goal and have them help you in any fashion possible. If you have a friend that smokes, perhaps they can even give up with you and you two can have each other to lean on and too keep each other pointed in the right path of giving up.

With enough willpower and a firm plan, it is actually possible to give up as people do it every day. You just have to back each other up and stay strong. Pick up some other activities such as riding a bike, walking through the city, swimming, join a gymnasium, anything to keep yourself active and targeted toward a healthier lifestyle. The key here is to find something that you actually enjoy and that you look forward to doing.

If you need to go slow and wean yourself off by smoking less every day, go for it. If you would like to start wearing the patch, or chewing the gum, or smoking the e-cigarette, go for it. Whatever is required to stop poisoning your body with all the chemicals and carcinogens in tobacco smoke, just do it. That is the most important part "that you stop poisoning your body with all those chemicals. I just need you to be as fit as you could be, so if you have to keep getting nicotine through that patch, or gum, or electronic cigarette, at least you will not be poisoning your body with tobacco smoke. With the discipline, and a little support, you can stop poisoning your body from tobacco smoke and live a healthier, longer life!

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