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Ways to Destroy A Marriage

By D Smith

After the initial honeymoon period is over many marriages start to show their true colors. One such thing that many people fight over is material possession, which is usually learned at an early age through a person's upbringing. Many people start to put these material possessions over their spouse and start an unhealthy marriage.

This activity awakens our selfish nature and fortifies it as we mature. We learn to believe that we can do what we want with those possessions, my wife, my husband, my money, my toys, my bike, my car, my woman, my man, and mine, mine, mine! Unconsciously we believe these possessions are our slaves and should be at our beckon call or perform a particular function that we desire. At anytime, when our possessions do not conform to our desires or expectation, we become outraged. The reality is these are not our possessions, especially human beings.

As a married person, many feel that their spouse is now their possession and that they can control their life. One thing that many people do wrong is rely on old traditions of marriage and try to claim title over the person they marry. This is a big problem as the once healthy dating that took place, now turns into nagging and fighting. The marriage counseling industry has been booming in recent years due to these among other marriage problems.

One of the big problems with marriage is that there are so many conflicting ideas when it comes to marriage. Different theories and books have become part of the huge marriage and divorce business that is dominating America over the last 20 years. While some of these ideas may be good, who is to say what is the right way to run everyone's marriage.

Dating relationships that lead to marriage is the fundamental social institution deeply rooted in all societies. To uphold and defend the institution of marriage, we must place emphasis on the truth. The institution of marriage should not be built on the traditional foundation of the past. The institution of marriage must be built on a strong foundation representing truth, sincerity, sacrifice, and cooperation, mutually putting our desires and opinions to bay.

A big reason that many marriages end quick is that one spouse tries to impose a fake lifestyle onto the other person. While women are usually the culprit, many men and women have become to abrasive with their spouse and tried to change them as a person, this is a big no no in the marriage world.

Marriage is a big risk, especially with the financial and emotional downfall that a divorce can bring. It is wise to be hones and open with your future spouse and get a feel for each other before making the dive into marriage.

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