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The Importance of Making Money

By Annette Pieper

Jewel of the Month: Ruby

Ruby gets its red color from the presence of chromium and is part of the corundum family. It can also occasionally display a star like luminosity in the light. Ruby aligns with the 1st (root) chakra and the 4th (heart) chakra. It is known to be the stone of life force energy which begins in the base of the spine at the root chakra. Rubies have been used to assist in financial stability and to improve ones economic status. The energy of ruby encourages you to follow your bliss and can assist in changing your world. It also promotes expansiveness, encourages creativity and awareness in the manifestation process.

Jewels of Life:

How stable are you financially? As the country focuses on the economic downturn and the financial crisis that Wall Street and well as Main Street are experiencing, there are many new thought and success leaders, including myself, who know that there are ways to not only survive this so called downturn, but to actually thrive financially.

Part of my Whole -life Success system is to create health physically which includes the financial arena which is a physical manifestation in our lives. As I coach people to become successful in their lives, I talk about the importance of creating residual or passive income streams, not only as a financial stability strategy, but as a wealth building strategy as well. What exactly is residual income? Residual income is an income that you work for once and the income continues to come in month after month.

It has been included as a strategy in the coined phrases "Multiple Streams of Income", "Multiple Sources of Income", "Multiple Streams of Revenue" and "Multiple Sources of Revenue" by many wealth builders. My favorite is "Mailbox Money", meaning it shows up in your mailbox month after month whether you are vacationing, working or spending the day in bed. You work for it once and you continue to get the checks every month. In the face of financial uncertainty, do you feel this may be a good financial strategy? I would say so.

So how to you create this "Mailbox Money". There are many different ways. You can invest in Real Estate even though the market is tough right now, there are still people making plenty of money with this strategy. You can become an affiliate of someone's products or programs which allows you to make commission money off of the sales that come from your affiliate link. Multi Level Marketing is an excellent opportunity for making residual income as well. With Multi Level Marketing, you sell the product or service and get a commission every month as long as the customer continues to use the product or service.

In every one of these areas, people are making plenty of money even in our down economy, including myself. What can you do to create a residual income stream in your financial life? Would it be worth it for you to put some time and effort into creating a bigger, better life for you and your family by participating in one of the best ways to grow your financial wealth?

"I'm not sure if it's a choice or a genetic disposition, but it seems to me that there are two ways to go through life in this world: with optimism and with fear. I believe that if people believe in themselves and others, they can achieve wonderful things. In fact, I'm pretty sure that all the wonderful things in this world came from those who achieved through faith, not fear." -Loral Langemeier author of "The Millionaire Maker"

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