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What is Sinusitis?: Natural Cures for Sinusitis

By Aneron Kepasil

Sinusitis is an ailment that affects millions of people each year. It has been reported by the National Center for Health Statistics as the most commonly diagnosed disease in the United States. The symptoms of sinusitis include head and nasal congestion, facial pain, runny nose, fever, and fatigue and can last for many days. There are many natural remedies that can be used to treat the symptoms of sinusitis.

Another sinus relief tip is inhaling steam is also another remedy that can be helpful. Steam can come from a vaporizor or from a shower. You could even boil a bowl of water, lean over it with a towel draped over your head and hanging down to provide a curtain to guide the steam up. Doing this a few minutes a day can also provide relief.

However, we're not perfect and may catch it regardless, so let's examine some common ways that we can treat the symptoms of Sinusitis. Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine and phenylpherine are good temporary remedies that help drain the sinuses. Prescribed inhalers, while not decongestants, assist in healing the sinus membranes. Over-the-counter nasal sprays like Dristan and Afrin are basically 'spray' versions of decongestants and can be used for a few days or so. Humidifiers or sprays that contain salt water in them will 'melt' the infected sinuses away (so to speak).

Sinus problems seem to affect everyone these days. Many try to relieve the headache pressure by using very warm cloths over the eyes. Another remedy would be the use of a saline solution in the nose. Yes, these things may give relieve briefly. However, we know that sinus infections are caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi growing inside of our sinuses. One thing that may pop into our mind is to sign up for sinus surgery.

Treating Sinusitis and treating the pain that can be a symptom of sinusitis can be two different matters. Sinus pain can be severe and in some cases even temporarily debilitating. Methods of treating this pain include over-the-counter pain relievers (especially NSAIDS, as they act as an anti inflammatory as well as a pain reliever), heat applied to the area, steam and facial massage.

Treating Sinusitis naturally may be possible with a new product called SINUVIL. SINUVIL is a natural remedy, made from a medicinal plant native to South Africa, called the Pelargonium. SINUVIL claims to have the ability to naturally drain your sinuses, relieving pressure and pain, boost your immune system, enabling you to better fight off infections in the future, prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi, and viruses in your sinus cavities, preventing infection, and soothe inflamed and swollen tissues. SINUVIL is also recommended for those with weakened immune systems, such as people suffering from a chronic disease, as well as the elderly.

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