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At Implant Dentist St. Louis New Smiles Are Created

By Melody Lyons

For centuries, in fact millenniums various cultures performed oral procedures to replace missing teeth. It was however only 60 years ago that a life lasting method was invented. Since then the procedure has been improved on and at implant dentist St. Louis it is performed daily. They use state of the art equipment and the latest technology together with their expert skills to ensure the patient receives the best care and results.

Titanium with its unique compatibility with bone made this implanting procedure possible. Artificial roots are hand crafted by dental technicians to the exact shape of the lost tooth root. This ensures it can be implanted without disruption to surrounding nerves and sinuses.

Gaps should be filled as they can create problems which include bone loss or skeletal instability. There are a number of benefits associated to implanting. They are securely implanted, create no irritation to gum tissue and vastly improve chewing and speech functions.

As the entire process is custom made for each patient the end results are guaranteed to look and feel like existing teeth in the mouth. With insertion of a root completed the area is left to heal. Once the surgeon is satisfied with the bonding a titanium zirconium enhanced post is screwed in.

A mold for the crown is made. In some instances a temporary crown may be fitted. When the permanent ceramic or porcelain crown is ready it is cemented onto its post. If correctly done an implant is for life. People who are generally healthy, have good oral hygiene habits and do not smoke make the best candidates.

Over the last 60 years methods have been streamlined. At Implant Dentist St. Louis innovative methods are implemented to ensure top quality work with the least amount of trauma for the patient. Recently revolutionary mini implanting was introduced which may be worth investigating if a person is looking for a quicker solution which involves no cutting.

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