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The most well known form garden structures

By Rico Aneli

The structure of your vegetable garden does not have to be entirely functional but it should also look and feel good. Building some decorative arches and some tomatos cages not only makes your garden look good but also helps it produce more crops. After all, there is more to planting vegetable gardens than just cultivating a spot of land.

People who have been successful in planting vegetable gardens usually know that you can't keep growing only one type of vegetable in a garden. It's usually more advisable to rotate crops instead of planting only one kind of vegetable year in and out. Rotating crops will make sure that the micro nutrients in the soil will be preserved, and that diseases will not build up in soil particulates.

Planting vegetable gardens take some careful planning on your part, and also an understanding on plant families to know which vegetable types are compatible with each other. These are some examples of groups that can be considered "compatible" and are safe to be rotated together: Alliums - onions, leeks, shallots, and the likes Crucifers - such as radishes, turnips, broccoli and cauliflower, mustards, cabbages, kale and the likes Legumes - peas and beans Cucurbits - cucumbers, squashes, melons, eggplants, tomatoes, endive, etcetera.

Rotating vegetables of the same family would also mean that (more often than not) they would be susceptible to the same kind of pests. This makes pest control a bit more manageable for you since you don't have to adjust to different types of pests for different families of vegetables.

There are so many options when it comes to building your vegetable garden especially if you're purpose is purely aesthetic. You can build ornaments like arches, trellises or archways to beautify your garden. You can even build walls or doorways to surround your garden for a more visual appeal. For gardens like these, you can decorate them with plants aside from vegetables. You can plant beautiful flowers to cover your trellis but choose flowers that are sun friendly and attract helpful insects.

Vitamins A, B and C - Vitamin A is great for the eyes and skin. Vitamin C is necessary to maintain healthy connective tissues and is known to boost the immune system. Vitamin B is important for extracting the energy in the carbohydrates in several food sources. Carrots, asparagus, broccoli and green pepper are rich in Vitamin A. Broccoli, peas and beans are a great source of vitamin B. Your dose of vitamin C is supplied by red cabbage, kale, parsley and turnip. Other vitamins and minerals you can get from vegetables include calcium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium, iron, niacin, foliate, zinc and manganese.

Save money and help your kids stay in the pink of health through planting vegetable gardens. Plus you get that sense of pride each time your family enjoys the meal on the table, whose vegetable ingredients you cultivated yourself in your backyard.

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