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Getting Relief for Multiple Sclerosis through Acupuncture

By Sylvia Salcedo Rojas

There are many different symptoms that can occur because of Multiple sclerosis. Some can be severe and other more moderate. Some symptoms can be severe and other more moderate. These symptoms can effect the coordination of the body or other organ symptoms.

Modern treatments are limited and may accompany side effects. The medications aim to slow the progression of the disease. Medications are often accompanied with steroids, muscle spasm medications, and anti-depressants. Many people are searching for natural remedies for Multiple Sclerosis. Chinese acupuncture is a great therapy for multiple sclerosis.

Phlegm and dampness is one of the most commons causes of Multiple Sclerosis in Chinese medicine. This is a condition that occurs usually in people that have a weak digestion or might be overweight. When the body starts to accumulate dampness a heaviness sets into the system and creates a blockage where the energy is not moving smoothly. Through acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine the dampness be released helping the body find balance again.

Damp re is another cause of Multiple Sclerosis is Chinese medicine. This cause of disease is related to damp heat. The damp heat damages the meridian which is where the qi courses in the body. The most appropriate form of treatment in this case is using acupuncture points that clear heat and herbs that can clear heat and damp heat.

In-balance in the spleen organ can also be a cause of Multiple sclerosis. This pattern can cause blood deficiency. Along with this can be over active wind situation. Together this pattern with cause muscle spasms and fatigue. Strengthening the spleen is the most important issue to bring the body back to health.

Sometimes multiple sclerosis is caused by and imbalance in the liver and kidney organ system. This imbalance will manifest as a weakness in the organ systems. This symptoms would be more of fatigue and maybe even night sweats.

The spleen and kidneys can also be out of balance in the body causing multiple sclerosis. This pattern is on of vacuity in qi and yin, both vital substances in the body. Some symptoms can manifest imbalances in the menstrual cycle of some heat signs. By treating the spleen and kidney this can help with this pattern.

Chinese acupuncture is wonderful choice for multiple sclerosis therapy. Acupuncturists view the body in a different way the western medicine and each treatment in individualized for each person. This various views from Chinese medicine can help to clarify some of the complication of this disease. Remember to find a licensed acupuncturists to explore your needs.

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