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Making Use Of Prostatitis Antibiotic Treatment

By Pamela Hardy

Those who have prostatitis can experience excruciating pain in their groin. This is brought about by the inflammation of ones prostate gland. When this will happen, this can affect the other parts like the bladder and the urethra. It can be acute or chronic and is usually managed by giving prostatitis antibiotic treatment.

This can be caused by bacteria such as E.coli and enterobacter. This is also associated when there is a urinary tract infection, urethritis, epididymitis, and other kinds of infections. People who are at risk to have this are alcoholics and those who have unprotected sex.

A person who is suffering from this can experience a wide range of symptoms. The common ones would include blood in the urine, pain when urinating, ejaculating, or even during a bowel movement, and incontinence. He can also experience fever, urinary hesitancy, and frequent urination.

In order for the doctor to make a diagnosis, he would have to do a physical exam on the groin area. He would usually find tenderness and swellings in these parts. He would also ask for urinalysis, cystoscopy, or semen urinalysis.

Since the main cause of this disease is the growth of bacteria, it is only natural that antibiotics are going to be used. The drug commonly used to treat this is trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or TMP-SMX. This kind of therapy can last until four weeks.

Another type of antibiotics that can be given are the fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines. Doctors use this if their patient is not responding well TMP-SMX and if the patient is allergic to it. Fluoroquinolone therapy can last for at most six months. Tetracyclines will have to be taken for four weeks.

Patients who will be treated using prostatitis antibiotic treatment have to be aware of the side effects of these drugs. This way they will know what to expect from the therapy and what he can do if there will any kind of side effects along the way.

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