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What You Ought to Learn About STDs

By Alex Winters

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are considered sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that can be passed on during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. STDs can also be quickly passed from a pregnant woman to her baby before or during the baby's birth.

Most persons who have an STD don't have any recognizable symptoms. Getting tested is the most conclusive way to know for sure whether you have an STD or not.

Can these STDs be cured?

Yes, however, STDs can only be cured with medicine if they are treated early. If these STDs aren't treated, they can cause serious health problems, like making it difficult to have a baby.

If you suspect that you have an STD, it's critical for you to get treatment immeadiately. People that you are having sex with now, may also need treatment or you could get infected again.

What types of people need to get tested for chlamydia ("kluh-MID-ee-uh")?

For women, pre-teens and teens:

Well, if you are under the age 25 and having sex, you should get tested once every year.

But, if you are over age 25 or older, you should get tested if you have a new or multiple sex partners.

For men and teens:

Consult a doctor if you are worried about chlamydia or other STDs.

Tell your family doctor if you have been experiencing any of these symptoms of chlamydia.

What are signs of chlamydia?

Lots of people who have chlamydia don't readily have any signs or symptoms.

Women could have abnormal discharge (fluid) from the vagina, burning when they urinate (pee), or painful intercourse.

Men may have discharge from the penis or a burning sensation when they urinate.

How can testing be done?

A doctor or nurse practitioner can test a sample of your urine for chlamydia. In many cases a sample is taken from the vagina or penis to test. The test is easy and painless. Many company even offer online testing, to insure your privacy, while providing accurate results.

Which are the signs of a gonorrheal infection?

For most people who have gonorrhea, they have no symptoms at all.

Women could showan abnormal discharge (fluid) from the vagina, burning pain when they urinate (pee), and or difficulties with pain during intercourse.

Men may tend to have discharge from the penis or burning when they pee.

How is the gonorrhea test done?

Once again, a physician or nurse will test your urine for gonorrhea. Sometimes a sample is taken from the vagina or penis to test. The test is simple and painless. Many online kits offer testing for a number or STDs making testing safe and private.

Who needs to be tested for gonorrhea ("gah-nuh-REE-uh")?

For women:

Anyone under age 25 and regularly having sex, should consider getting tested for gonorrhea.

If you or your partner are age 25 or older, you might want to get tested if you:

One of you Has new or multiple sex partners

o Don't always use a condom during sex

o Use drugs

o Have ever suspecting your partner of having had an STD

For guys:

Talk to your family doctor if you are worried about gonorrhea or other types STDs.

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