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Proper Lyme Disease Treatment - What's Right For You?

By Jo Jackson

You may think lyme disease is easy to diagnose, it's not. Many people know how it is transmitted. You may have heard about the "bulls eye" rash that happens after an infested tick bite. Sometimes people don't show the early signs until it's too late and has blown up into a major issue. This is also one of the most treatable diseases there is. As you probably already know there are many great treatments out there that really work. There are also some great treatments that will help you deal with the symptoms of the disease.|Treatments for Lyme Disease are pretty basic. As you well know in the early stages treatment is pretty straightforward. It is when the disease enters its later stages that treatment gets tricky. Don't be like that tons of others who think lyme disease has many treatments for the disease itself when in fact there are only a few, but many for the symptoms. You will not have the same reaction tot he disease that anyone else had or has to it. Read on for more information on what you should know.|The fact is lyme disease has only a couple of treatment options and they are both prescribed by a physician. Some of the symptoms of lyme disease can be treated using other methods.

This is a contrversial issue. Many think it is better to let your physician treat the disease while you tough it out. However many others believe suffering needlessly should not happen. Read on for some ideas as you go through treatment.|Treatments for Lyme disease work best when the disease is caught earlier. Finding the tick bite quickly will aid in treating the disease with minimal issues. If you are one of the unfortunate few who are asymptomatic and don't realize you have the disease until its in the later stages, then it can be more difficult to properly treat and overcome this disease. Here are some treatment options to discuss with your doctor if you do contract Lyme disease.|Lyme disease can be quite harrowing and tough to endure. The positive news is that the earlier you discover it, the simpler it will be to medicate and heal. Unfortunately twenty five percent of the people who are infected with this disease are symptom free until the disease reaches its later and more serious stages. In these stages things like arthritis, swollen heart muscles and a number of other serious conditions can develop. So how is the illness medicated? The determining factor is the stage of the ailment that you are enduring. In this article we will share some of the choices available to healing Lyme disease.

Once you know that Lyme Disease is your problem, talk to your physician about herbal supplements or alternative medicine that can help with the symptoms you will have. You may not have discovered Buchu yet but it's on the supplement list. The medicinal name for this supplement which is also an immune supporter is Agathosma Betulina. This has been said to boost your immune system to aide in making the other medications more effective in your treatment of lyme disease.|You need to know what the side affects may be of the medication you are getting from your doctor. Even antibiotics can have very definite side effects on you. If you are pregnant it is important for your doctor to know this too. Some of the medications that are prescribed to treat Lyme disease could have an adverse effect on your pregnancy. You are always better to ere on the side of caution. You may still have options, don't be afraid to ask about them.|The sooner you begin seeing the symptoms of Lyme Disease the better off you'll be. In fact, if you are ever bitten by a tick it is a good idea to see a doctor and be put on a course of anti-biotic treatment right away. If you have other medical problems this is more true for you than anyone else.

Your treatment can begin even before diagnosis has been confirmed. Even if your tick is positive you will already be well on your way to healing and should be perfectly fine. If it's negative, no harm no foul. It's a win win situation.|The first treatment that is used is usually common antibiotics like amoxicillin. Early in the life cycle of this disease is when this form of treatment is most effective. The disease is usually gone after the usual ten day prescription of antibiotics. Three weeks of antibiotics may be necessary if the disease was past the first stage when caught. The oral medications aren't much help for those that didn't get diagnosed with this disease until it was into the later stages. Doctors generally try to treat with antibiotics and only use more intense methods if necessary.|In more severe stages of the sickness, the victim usually has to deal with incredibly hurtful swelling of the joint muscles. This mainly occurs in the knees, although it can also occur in other parts of the body. Typically courses of antibiotic or intravenous drug treatments are eminent for dealing with the pathogens of the condition, though you can ask your medical professional for some cortisone injections to help less the agony of your swollen joints. This won't cure the disease, but it is a Lyme disease treatment that can make it easier to deal with, especially during recovery.

Goldenrod is another alternative supplement helpful in the treatment of Lyme Disease. This can usually be found in most grocery stores, pharmacies and health food stores. Goldenrod can be used for much more than Lyme Disease. It is important for you to take the medications prescribed by your doctor too. Goldenrod has been famed for decreasing the signs of inflammation. You may also see significant reductions in kidney inflammation allowing you to be more comfortable as the medications begin to work. Talk to your doctor to make sure that this won't interfere with any medications that has been prescribed to you.|

You need to discuss your options with your doctor before starting alternative medications. You may see some claiming to be better for treating lyme disease than prescription medication. The trouble with these statements is that few are FDA approved. Don't start an alternative before you talk it over with your doctor. To keep from making your condition worse or exacerbating the symptoms you will want to ask your doctor for advice on what will work for you.|

Lyme disease is a popular topic for clinical study right now.

Talk to your doctor about trying to get included in one of these studies. If you are selected for the program you could have your very expensive treatment medications completely free. Obviously not all clinical trials are going to be successful. Still, the trials may give you better options than you will find through traditional western medicine.|

Intravenous drugs are the next step if the Lyme disease didn't respond to the antibiotics or if it wasn't caught soon enough. In this case, the most common drug administered is rocephin. The effectiveness of intravenous treatment is the same if you follow it with antibiotics or not. To find what is best for you, talk to your doctor. If you are in the later stages of the disease, you may need the stronger and continual intravenous dosage.|When you become a victim of Lyme disease you will have to endure a lot of suffering. Grievously, this is one of those conditions, which has an effect on everything, ranging from your joints to your muscles to your brain. A lot of people who have Lyme disease have to endure a lot of muscle pain and headaches. Obtaining OTC painkillers, such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol, is the simplest way to take care of the symptoms of Lyme disease. These medications won't cure the disease itself (only strong prescription medications can do that) but they can help you deal better with the symptoms.

I've even heard some Food Treatments work for Lyme Disease. The idea is that you eat foods that will ultimately help you fight off infection and disease. Vitamin C and Garlic are the main foods used to fight against Lyme Disease. Those two ingredients have been shown to boost the immune system. This boost to the immune system will help your other medications work better. Make sure you talk to your doctor about this form of therapy and, of course, it should be used as a supplement and not a substitute for your medicine regime.|It is said that there are indeed a few alternatives that, in addition to prescription medicaitons, can help alleviate the symptoms of lyme disease. There are some people who swear by these alternatives. An African herb called Hyperoxis Rooperi is one such alternative. You can find supplements at your local pharmacy, or natural food stores.|See your doctor regularly over here and if you see the little critter don't pull it!

The vaccine hasn't been given out for years because it was proven to be ineffective in keeping the disease away for long periods of time. This vaccine was still around in 2002 although the effects have worn off long before now and you are not protected. Keep an eye out for symptoms and if you've been bitten recently, see your doctor.|Tell your doctor right away if you think you may have Lyme disease and are pregnant. It is believed that the mother can pass Lyme disease on to the fetus. It should still be fairly easy to treat this disease if caught early. Although, treating anything when you are pregnant is never easy. It is possible to affect the baby with any treatment for Lyme disease. Make sure you work closely with your doctor to ensure your baby's safety and well being while you work to cure yourself.|If you recognize that your son or daughter is starting to have indicators of Lyme disease or you notice that he or she has recently been bitten by a tick, it is critical for you to take them to a medical professional right away. Kids bounce back and if the illness is detected early enough, they can generally be back to normal after only a few days of antibiotics or other prescription medications. Albeit, if it does get to a higher stage, something stronger might be necessary, so if you reside out in the country in a heavily wooded area or your children play outside often, be sure to keep an eye on them for ticks and other bites.

The Lyme disease treatment you use is going to depend on what stage of the disease that you are trying to combat. The first stage is pretty easy to defeat and can be done with antibiotics. The farther into the disease you get the more intense the treatement. You need the advice of your doctor before you start any treatment for this disease.|

Treatments for Lyme Disease are pretty basic. Most of the time you can be cured with a round of antibiotics. You will find the first stage the easiest to treat after that it's hit and miss. After the first stage IV Drugs are typically required to cure the disease. Of course you already know that there are many ways to treat your symptoms. Seek the help of your physician for symptoms that cause you discomfort. You will sometime soon return to normal.|

This disease is nothing to play around with it has to be treated medicinally. Your doctor is the only one who can properly treat this disease even though you can treat some of the symptoms with over the counter medications.

You can make a full recovery from this disease with the help of your doctor. It's up to you how you go about treating the symptoms and side effects of the disease. You should discuss all of your options for treatment with your doctor.|

The stage of the disease when discovered will limit what treatment options are available for you to choose from. It is easily treated and cured when caught early. The later stages are harder to treat; same goes if it has crossed into the brain. Being aware of what is going on in your body is very important. Contact your doctor quickly if you start noticing any of the symptoms of Lyme disease. The quicker you get diagnosed, the better odds you have of successfully treating this disease.|There aren't very many options to choose from for managing Lyme disease. The way to take care of the disease is solely through the medications that can be provided from your physician or in a hospital. Of course, this doesn't equate to bad luck, when it comes to making the syndromes of the illness more effortless to contend with. It can take a long time to totally be healed from the illness. Make sure you talk to your doctor about ways to keep the symptoms from becoming too much for you to handle.

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