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Stuff Yourself and Travel Across the World as a Military Gift

By Pamela Chiacchiaro

Do you remember that Aqua song in the 90s, "Barbie Girl," the one that paints an elaborate fantasy about being a plastic doll? Well now you actually can be a doll. Only not exactly plastic. In fact, you will be stuffed with cotton and stitched up with needle and thread. You are free to ship yourself across the world, as a birthday present, a military gift, a random surprise to someone unsuspecting. It is better than a picture and better than a video because you will be there in 3D form.

Considering that there really is no definitive shape to your new body, clothes of any sorts will not exactly be flattering. They will not hold proper form to your plush body but not to worry! You can just have your clothes stitched onto your lumpy exterior. During your creation, the designers hand-make each part of you, paying special attention to detail to try and make this as real and lifelike as possible. It is advisable to send in pictures of exactly how you want your new self to appear to so that they can get it perfect the first time. You do not want any mishaps, do you? Like orange hair instead of red, or a bohemian style instead of goth. Use pictures just as some precautions.

Additionally, you will never have to worry about washing, combing, dying, or styling your hair because it will already be a permanent fixture atop your cushy head. The days of incessantly monkeying around with your hair and stressing out over the unruly strands are over. No longer will you have to waste time straightening and curling your hair just to have it frizz and puff out like a poodle on a hot and humid summer night. The washing machine will become your shower, just throw yourself into a pillowcase, spin around in the machine, in the dryer, and bam! You are clean. And you smell like lavender.

If you would like to order yourself in stuffed animal form, simply click here. Honestly speaking, if may at first seem extremely odd holding yourself in the palm of your hand, in this miniature form. It is like having your own personal Mini Me, only without the capability of speaking, walking, or serving you. It is more of just a silent companion, the twin you always wanted without having the constant stress over them stealing, or "borrowing," your clothes. Without having to actually spend money on them, for clothes or food or a car.

The most exciting part of it all is that you can send yourself anywhere in the world. Traveling without really traveling. Getting cultured without really being in the culture. You can UPS yourself across the entire world, as a military gift with a car package- it does not even have to be sent to someone you know. Whoever said that a picture speaks a thousand words have obviously never had a stuffed animal version of themselves.

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