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Get in Shape for Summer

By Liz Ford

Need to trim and tone your body? Believe it or not there are some very simple diet modifications and easy to do exercises which will do the trick-even while you watch TV. How is that possible? Follow the simple strategies below and watch your body transform.

The goal of trimming your body is to lose a few pounds that you might not notice at first, but once muscle toning exercises are implemented you will see what a difference losing those few pounds can make. Simple choices when you eat can make quite a difference and help you reach your trim down or weight loss goal. It is always good to consult with your physician prior to starting a new exercise or diet so be sure to meet with your doctor, they are there to help you maintain your health and often times have access to loads of information and resources.

1. Opt for sugar-free drinks: Instead of grabbing that regular soda, sweetened iced tea or juice, choose a beverage that is sugar-free thus less calories. Drinks that are heavy in sugar are considered to be "empty calories," because they don't fill you up or make you feel satisfied. Stevia is a non-caloric sweetener that is gaining popularity, mostly because it is all natural, made from the leaves of a plant. Stevia is also gaining popularity because it doesn't carry the health risk that other low calorie sweeteners have been found to carry. If you can live without "sweet tasting" drinks, the healthiest drinks of choice are water or herbal tea.

2. Pass on high-calorie desserts and snacks. Resist the temptation to order your favorite slice of pie or cake and opt for a reduced calorie dessert such as fat-free jello or pudding. Try making your favorite fruits as a dessert of choice, fruit is a great choice when it comes to satisfying a sweet tooth or craving. Added bonus is that fruit often gives you a feeling of being full and is loaded with nutrients.

Tone Your Body: By definition, toning your body involves increasing muscle strength and definition. When you increase muscle definition, you look stronger and have less "loose" skin allowing your best shape to be seen.

Below are easy to follow instructions on how to begin toning your muscles at home, even while watching TV.

1. Begin to incorporate simple exercises into regular daily activities. For example, do floor exercises while watching TV. Simple calisthenics like jumping jacks, stomach crunches, leg raises, and push-ups can all be done while catching up on your favorite sitcom or the news. Start by doing 10 sets of each and remember to start out slow and be precise with your movements in order to get the full effect of the exercise and to prevent unnecessary injury. Choose three exercises from the list above and do them for 7-10 days, then change up the exercises for another 7-10 days and so on. By changing the exercises every week you will avoid boredom and ensure that you are working every major muscle group.

2. A guaranteed way to get your body toned fast is by jogging. Jogging not only tones your legs, arms, and abdomen but there are other benefits like increased stamina and strength. Experts advise to begin a jogging program by walking for a minimum of thirty minutes at least four times a week: actually the first four weeks of your jogging program will consist of you walking, it is the speed of your walking that you will slowly increase over the four weeks. By week five add in a burst of actual jogging with your walking routine, continue to alternate these two activities for the entire workout.

Some other tips before you lace up your running shoes. Add a warm-up and cool down to your program, allow a minimum of 5 minutes for each. It is also highly recommended that you invest in a quality running shoe, this provides overall comfort during your workout and helps to prevent injury to feet, ankles and legs by providing protection and support.

Make a commitment to yourself and set aside some time from your week. Engaging in even a few of the suggestions above will definitely yield the desired results you are looking for this summer. Most people report that they not only gain positive results physically but mentally also, jogging is a great exercise for those that need to reduce stress or blow off "steam."

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