A persistent hacking cough lets a person know that he or she might have bronchitis. The bronchitis cause might be a virus, a bacterium, exposure to cigarette smoke, prolonged exposure to cleaning products, or by stomach acid irritating the bronchial tubes. Acute bronchitis usually lasts for a week or two. If the bronchial tubes become permanently inflamed, a patient may develop chronic bronchitis.
In addition to viral causes, acute bronchitis can be caused by chemical irritants. These include tobacco smoke, solvents, and gastric reflux. Smoking predisposes people to acute bronchitis. One way to prevent it is to quit smoking. This helps to decrease the amount of tar in the lungs and loosen up the bronchial passages.
Respiratory disease can obstruct breathing including even a person's quality of life or, at the uttermost, result in death. Bronchitis produces a block of the bronchial tube, or breathing tubes that wind up in the lungs. Bronchitis can be temporary or long-run, serious or frequent. Elements contributing to this problem include childhood infections, smoking, pollution, and long-run infections.
Chemicals used in the workplace are another bronchitis cause. If the patient must stay at a given job, a medical professional can prescribe medication to help him control the symptoms. Finding a job where the irritant is not encountered will also improve the condition, although changing careers is seldom a practical solution.
There are some herbal remedies that can be used, to treat your bronchitis. Use eucalyptus, bay or garlic leaves in hot water. Boil some water, drop one or all the leaves I named (to speed up the healing process) in the boiling water, let the leaves get tender and allow water to steam up, pour it in a bowl, position a towel directly over your head and the bowl to inhale the vapors. The vapors you will be inhaling will soothed your persisting cough. You can also use the remainder of the liquid to make an herbal tea.
Another natural remedy that is extremely effective for viral bronchitis is BRONOVIL. You can find more information about it at http://bronovil.com. It contains an herb called Pelargonium sidoides that helps stimulate the immune system. It has been shown to reduce mucous and prevent the viruses from sticking to the lung walls and spreading.
In addition to viral causes, acute bronchitis can be caused by chemical irritants. These include tobacco smoke, solvents, and gastric reflux. Smoking predisposes people to acute bronchitis. One way to prevent it is to quit smoking. This helps to decrease the amount of tar in the lungs and loosen up the bronchial passages.
Respiratory disease can obstruct breathing including even a person's quality of life or, at the uttermost, result in death. Bronchitis produces a block of the bronchial tube, or breathing tubes that wind up in the lungs. Bronchitis can be temporary or long-run, serious or frequent. Elements contributing to this problem include childhood infections, smoking, pollution, and long-run infections.
Chemicals used in the workplace are another bronchitis cause. If the patient must stay at a given job, a medical professional can prescribe medication to help him control the symptoms. Finding a job where the irritant is not encountered will also improve the condition, although changing careers is seldom a practical solution.
There are some herbal remedies that can be used, to treat your bronchitis. Use eucalyptus, bay or garlic leaves in hot water. Boil some water, drop one or all the leaves I named (to speed up the healing process) in the boiling water, let the leaves get tender and allow water to steam up, pour it in a bowl, position a towel directly over your head and the bowl to inhale the vapors. The vapors you will be inhaling will soothed your persisting cough. You can also use the remainder of the liquid to make an herbal tea.
Another natural remedy that is extremely effective for viral bronchitis is BRONOVIL. You can find more information about it at http://bronovil.com. It contains an herb called Pelargonium sidoides that helps stimulate the immune system. It has been shown to reduce mucous and prevent the viruses from sticking to the lung walls and spreading.
About the Author:
Would you like to find out more info on tracheal bronchitis, then check out our site and read more about the bronchial respiratory disease.