The tomato is truly a fruit although it is typically employed like a vegetable. Botanically speaking, the tomato is from the same family as potatos, chili peppers, and egg plant. It is successfully harvested worldwide and it's available all year round.
Tomatoes are amongst the reduced calorie fruit and vegetables including just 18 calories per 100 grams. They are also very low in every fat contents and also have zero cholesterol. Nonetheless, they are great sources of antioxidants, soluble fiber, minerals, and vitamins. On account of all their nutritional characteristics, dieticians and nutritionists frequently recommend tomatoes to their clients as a essential piece of a weight loss program.
The antioxidants within tomatoes are scientifically determined for being protective against types of cancer including intestinal tract, prostate related, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic tumors.
Lycopene, a flavonoid antioxidant , is the exclusive phytochemical contained in the tomatoes. Reddish colored kinds are especially concentrated in this antioxidant. Along with carotenoids, it offers the ability to guard cells as well as other structures in the body from harmful oxygen free radicals. Studies show that lycopene prevents skin injury from ultra-violet (UV) rays and provides protection from skin cancer.
Zeaxanthin also is a flavonoid compuond found within this fruit. Zeaxanthin helps protect eyes from "age related macular disease" (ARMD) in aging adults by blocking harmful ultra-violet rays.
The tomato fruit includes very good levels of vitamin A, and flavonoid anti-oxidants like A and beta-carotenes, xanthins and lutein. Altogether, these color materials are found to provide antioxidant properties and are significant to vision, preserving healthy mucus membranes and skin, and also bone health. Eating of organic fruits and vegetables loaded with flavonoids is known to help protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
Furthermore, tomatoes are also a smart supplier of antioxidant vitamin-C (they supply 21% of recommended daily amounts (RDA) per 100 g); eating food items abundant with vitamin C helps the body system develop resistance towards infectious agents and scavenge harmful free radicals.
Fresh tomatoes are quite abundant with potassium. Just 100 grams includes 237 mg of potassium and only 5 mg of sodium. Potassium is a crucial element of cell and body fluids which helps in maintaining pulse and blood pressure level issues caused by sodium.
Tomatoes possess moderate levels of several vital B-complex vitamins such as folates, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin as well as many essential minerals including iron, calcium, manganese and also other trace elements.
Tomatoes are amongst the reduced calorie fruit and vegetables including just 18 calories per 100 grams. They are also very low in every fat contents and also have zero cholesterol. Nonetheless, they are great sources of antioxidants, soluble fiber, minerals, and vitamins. On account of all their nutritional characteristics, dieticians and nutritionists frequently recommend tomatoes to their clients as a essential piece of a weight loss program.
The antioxidants within tomatoes are scientifically determined for being protective against types of cancer including intestinal tract, prostate related, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic tumors.
Lycopene, a flavonoid antioxidant , is the exclusive phytochemical contained in the tomatoes. Reddish colored kinds are especially concentrated in this antioxidant. Along with carotenoids, it offers the ability to guard cells as well as other structures in the body from harmful oxygen free radicals. Studies show that lycopene prevents skin injury from ultra-violet (UV) rays and provides protection from skin cancer.
Zeaxanthin also is a flavonoid compuond found within this fruit. Zeaxanthin helps protect eyes from "age related macular disease" (ARMD) in aging adults by blocking harmful ultra-violet rays.
The tomato fruit includes very good levels of vitamin A, and flavonoid anti-oxidants like A and beta-carotenes, xanthins and lutein. Altogether, these color materials are found to provide antioxidant properties and are significant to vision, preserving healthy mucus membranes and skin, and also bone health. Eating of organic fruits and vegetables loaded with flavonoids is known to help protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
Furthermore, tomatoes are also a smart supplier of antioxidant vitamin-C (they supply 21% of recommended daily amounts (RDA) per 100 g); eating food items abundant with vitamin C helps the body system develop resistance towards infectious agents and scavenge harmful free radicals.
Fresh tomatoes are quite abundant with potassium. Just 100 grams includes 237 mg of potassium and only 5 mg of sodium. Potassium is a crucial element of cell and body fluids which helps in maintaining pulse and blood pressure level issues caused by sodium.
Tomatoes possess moderate levels of several vital B-complex vitamins such as folates, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin as well as many essential minerals including iron, calcium, manganese and also other trace elements.
About the Author:
Tomatoes are great in salads and in cooked dishes but they are also a really good smoothie ingredients. Just one example is this delicious mixed vegetable smoothie featuring both Tomato and Lime Juice.