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Treatment for IBS

By Runal Keronil

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the intestines which usually consists of diarrhea, constipation, intestinal gas, bloating, cramping and abdominal pain. The most common names for irritable bowel syndrome are known as bowel disease, spastic colon and mucous colitis.

The reason why Bavolex is unique, is because it has been proven to be more effective than other products and it is scientifically formulated. Bavolex contains plant extracts and enzymes that are specifically targeted towards certain angles in relieving IBS. Some of these ingredients consists of:

Not all IBS sufferers experience the same symptoms. There are three kinds of IBS. IBS " C is characterized by constipation as the dominant symptom. IBS " D is characterized by diarrhea. IBS " A alternates between cases of constipation and diarrhea.

IBS symptoms are many and are often accompanied with or include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, or a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. There are four different classifications of IBS, which have slightly different symptoms. IBS-D has diarrhea as its predominant symptom. IBS-C is characterized by constipation as its primary symptom. Thirdly IBS-A is named for the acute pain a patient feels as the most predominant of the IBS symptoms. Lastly IBS-PI is named for the fact that the onset of IBS symptoms closely follows an infectious disease the patient has had. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or a positive stool culture often characterizes this last form of the disease.

Diets in whole grains, high in fiber, fruit, and low in fats provide some IBS sufferers ample IBS relief without the use of supplements or prescription medication. Foods that contain caffeine, like coffee and chocolate, should be avoided by IBS sufferers because they can over stimulate the lining of their colons and produce excess bloating, gas, and cramps. Those prone to diarrhea may find an increase in this symptom after caffeine consumption. Caffeine is a stimulate and not good for promoting IBS relief. Also sufferers with allergies to any food " in particular wheat, egg, and dairy, should limit or avoid foods containing these ingredients. These foods hinder IBS relief by aggravating the lining of the colon just as caffeine does. Alcohol should be avoided, as well.

IBS help comes from Balvolex in the form of a reduction or elimination of diarrhea, cramping, constipation, anxiety reduction, and calming the extra strong spasms in the intestines.

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