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Urizol - Fast, effective, natural relief from UTI symptoms

By Aneron Kepasil

A UTI is an infection of the urinary tract. While it is painful, it is usually not overly serious and is easily treated. The urinary tract becomes infected when bacteria is introduced into the tract. The most common cause of a urinary tract infection is from bacteria that lives in your digestive tract and is tranferred to your urethra. Once this bacteria enters the urethra, it travels upwards and can cause infection in the urinary tract or bladder. Sexual intercourse is a common cause of UTI's because during sexual activity, bacteria is moved from the vaginal area into the urethra. Another cause of UTI's is waiting too long to urinate. This causes your bladder to weaken, in which case it may not empty completely and some urine will be left in the bladder. This will increase your chance of a urinary tract infection.

Having good hygiene is important if you have a chronic UTI. Women should wipe themselves front to back when they use the bathroom. Women who have poor hygiene habits often wipe back to front which can cause fecal mater to enter the urinary tract. This creates bacteria in the urinary tract which causes recurrent urinary tract infections to occur.

Plenty of rest is key in fighting a UTI. Most of the time infections are the result of our bodies being run-down and compromised from our busy, stressful lives. Something as simple as getting the rest you need can help you body naturally fight off infection.

Urinary tract infections are often treated by antibiotics (which can have side effects such as nausea, diarrhea or allergic reactions) or the home remedies listed above. Home remedies may help decrease the number of bacteria or provide UTI relief, but rarely can completely eliminate the infection itself.

You can do several things once you suspect that you have a urinary tract infection. One thing you can do that may help is to drink plenty of water and stay away from pop or other drinks that have sugar in them. Then, call your physician and make an appointment to find out if your suspicions are true. In addition, another home treatment that has been used to help with urinary tract infections is cranberry juice. Cranberry juice can sometimes be effective when dealing with a urinary tract infection. Cranberry juice has helped many and you can also buy cranberry supplements. For more complete and professional advice, speak with your physician.

A product is available that can do all of these things in one all natural, herbal supplement. Urizol ( is a herbal supplement that contains many ingredients that will fight any signs of infection in your urinary tract. It contains asparagus, a diruetic which will flush out your system. Urizol also contains cranberry and juniper to destry and prevent growth of bacteria. Urizol cleans and disinfects your urinary tract with an ingredient called Buchu. Buchu is a plant commonly used as a urinary tract disinfectant. Echinacea is also added to Urizol to boost your immune system and help fight infection. And to soothe your urinary tract, Urizol contains Marshmallow mucilage, which is commonly used for both UTI's and kidney stones. Urizol is wonderful alternative to the expense of antibiotics, which can wreak havoc on your digestive system and have unpleasant side effects.

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