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What Can Work as a Diabetes Cure

By Ronaldo Tesan

The clinical manifestation of diabetes tends to manifest much later than the situation occurs in your body, diabetes vitamins it is recommended to have your blood sugar levels identified timely. Diabetes type 1 can be controlled with physical exercise, insulin and a balanced diet. Diabetes type 2 is first treated with weight control, a diabetic diet and exercise.

Natural diabetes treatment are also used to treat diabetes. Some of the natural diabetes treatment herbs are only found in very particular parts of the world, while others can be found all over. However, anybody using natural diabetes treatment need to be aware of the possible side-effects of using them. One of these is bitter lemon juice. A diabetic needs to take bitter melon juice 2 times a day on empty stomach. Others cook it as a normal vegetable, the way we prepare other dishes or salads and eat it. Either way research has shown that this bitter lemon juice actually works.

Magnesium is a mineral that is readily found in vegetables, nuts, and grains. Magnesium can be used for treating diabetes. Substantial clinical studies are yet to be done to link magnesium for treating diabetes. Still, there are substantial proofs that indicate how people with low levels of magnesium have low or inadequate sugar levels. Those with diabetes should ensure that their diet consists of adequate supply of magnesium as a means of naturally treating diabetes.

Diabetes 2 can literally affect everyone; from the young to the elderly. Those who stand the highest risk of succumbing to the disease are the overweight- the high fat content in their bodies greatly reduces the body's ability to maximize the secreted insulin. Type ii diabetes cannot escape thin persons particularly the elderly. This type of diabetes can also get into you if it had or has been diagnosed in some of your family members before. It is a disease that can be genetically transferred. Other risk factors include high blood pressure, poor diet and low level activity.

Diabetes vitamins People with diabetes tend to have lower levels of vitamin C in their bodies, which may be due to hyper glycemia levels hampering the uptake of vitamin C by cells. A 15 year study, published in the magazine of the American College of Cardiology, involving more than 1,500 women with diabetes found that supplementation with 350mg or more of vitamin C daily significantly reduced the risk of cardiac disease the combination of insulin to regulate blood sugar together with the use of vitamin C, interrupt blood vessel injury caused by the illness in patients with lower glucose control.

Type 1 diabetes is a non reversing diabetes because it is caused by the person's pancreas not producing insulin at all and the only way to manage it is by injecting insulin, by pancreas transplantation surgery that is done to restore glucose regulation although considered by many reversing diabetes physicians to be very dangerous, lastly there is islet transplantation which is commonly used today, whereby beta cell are replaced by injecting islet cells into the patient's liver.For the other two types of diabetes you can reverse if the patient follow the advice given in this article.

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