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What Is Organic Skin Care And Is It Similar To Natural Skin Care?

By Bennett Wayorvis

The sheer number of skincare solutions you can find nowadays can be truly overwhelming. While browsing through these skin care options, you might have chanced upon those that boast of being organic or natural. But precisely what is organic skin care?

Most people say that organic skin care as methods and products developed to keep the skin healthy and young-looking without using harmful chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers. Also, there are individuals who use the concept interchangeably with natural skin treatments. Even though both organic and natural skin care uses naturally grown products to clean and cleanse the skin, it must be remembered that not all natural products are organic. Nonetheless, both of the skin care solutions are based on the belief that nature cures and that our bodies has an inherent capability to heal itself and recover its vitality if we support it with what it needs.

The reason why organic skincare have risen in popularity nowadays is because they are deemed to be far healthier when compared with traditional skin care options which usually have preservatives, colors, fragrances, and other synthetic substances that can interrupt the skin's healthy functions and disrupt its natural balance. Some ingredients used in regular skin care products are known to cause to be allergenic. There are also those that are considered cancer-causing agents.

There are several organic skin care in Dubai. Ayurvedic skincare are an example, for instance, which are based from medicinal practices that have been in existence for more than 5,000 years in India. These treatments are holistic, which means it has the belief that to possess healthy skin, you should take care the physical aspect of your being, but also of the mind and spirit. A good number of ayurvedic skin care solutions make use of aloe vera, almond, avocado, cocoa, coconut oil, and other herbs.

Honey skin care is also another example, and as the term suggests, it utilizes honey which is known to have detox and anti-microbial properties. Honey is also known to absorb and retain moisture. Because of this, it is often utilized to revitalize the skin and as an acne remedy, either dabbed directly on the affected parts or used as a face mask.

Dubai organic skincare solutions also involves the using oil extracted from Moroccan Argan kernels. Moroccan Argan oil has linoleic acid which can soothe inflammation, reduce acne, and help retain moisture when applied on the skin. It also contains squalene, which is a natural moisturizer.

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