The tissues in your body begin to be attacked by your own body when you have rheumatoid arthritis. The most common rheumatoid arthritis tends to show up first in the smaller joints that can be found in your feet and hands. With rheumatoid arthritis, the lining that is around your joints become inflamed, which is what makes it different from osteoarthritis. Eventually, the swelling can cause the bones to become eroded and the joints to become deformed.
You may find that your entire body seems to show the effects of rheumatoid arthritis. Constant tiredness and fevers are often common during a flare up of the disorder. The treatment options are focused on reducing the impact on the joints and managing the symptoms so that the patient can live a somewhat normal life. This disorder often occurs in women more than it does in men and is most common to be diagnosed in patients that are between forty and sixty years old.
When the symptoms of this disorder begin to disrupt life then it is time to schedule an appointment with a doctor. It is common for someone to experience tender, touchy joints as well as bumps on the arms of hardened tissue, which is also known as rheumatoid nodules. When people get up out of bed after sleeping for a while, they can feel very stiff and uncomfortable and this stiffness tends to last for several hours for most people. Other common ailments include tiredness, loss of weight, and fevers as well.
The rheumatoid arthritis symptoms that most people experience do not have to be consistent. It is common for them to come and disappear frequently. There are days that the person feels great and then those that are very difficult to work through the pain. Even though the pain goes into remission at times, the person knows that soon they will have to face that pain once again.
The rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can be managed when by using a few specific techniques. First, by simply using these joints on a regular basis, you can build up the strength of the muscles that surround the joints which can help reduce the amount of fatigue that you feel. Consistent exercise is very helpful for those that suffer from this disorder.
You can also use cold and heat compresses when the discomfort levels begin to raise as part of the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. The heat will help the sore muscles to relax which will help with the pain that you may be feeling. Applying cold to the area serves as a numbing agent and reduces the amount of muscle spasms that may be occurring. There are benefits to using both heat and cold as an at home remedy for the symptoms.
When you have lower levels of stress to deal with, you can sometimes cope better with the discomfort that may be present with this condition. If you can learn some breathing exercises or learn to meditate, you may be able to relax the edge right off of the pain. Using these techniques have been show to do wonders for the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
You may find that your entire body seems to show the effects of rheumatoid arthritis. Constant tiredness and fevers are often common during a flare up of the disorder. The treatment options are focused on reducing the impact on the joints and managing the symptoms so that the patient can live a somewhat normal life. This disorder often occurs in women more than it does in men and is most common to be diagnosed in patients that are between forty and sixty years old.
When the symptoms of this disorder begin to disrupt life then it is time to schedule an appointment with a doctor. It is common for someone to experience tender, touchy joints as well as bumps on the arms of hardened tissue, which is also known as rheumatoid nodules. When people get up out of bed after sleeping for a while, they can feel very stiff and uncomfortable and this stiffness tends to last for several hours for most people. Other common ailments include tiredness, loss of weight, and fevers as well.
The rheumatoid arthritis symptoms that most people experience do not have to be consistent. It is common for them to come and disappear frequently. There are days that the person feels great and then those that are very difficult to work through the pain. Even though the pain goes into remission at times, the person knows that soon they will have to face that pain once again.
The rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can be managed when by using a few specific techniques. First, by simply using these joints on a regular basis, you can build up the strength of the muscles that surround the joints which can help reduce the amount of fatigue that you feel. Consistent exercise is very helpful for those that suffer from this disorder.
You can also use cold and heat compresses when the discomfort levels begin to raise as part of the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. The heat will help the sore muscles to relax which will help with the pain that you may be feeling. Applying cold to the area serves as a numbing agent and reduces the amount of muscle spasms that may be occurring. There are benefits to using both heat and cold as an at home remedy for the symptoms.
When you have lower levels of stress to deal with, you can sometimes cope better with the discomfort that may be present with this condition. If you can learn some breathing exercises or learn to meditate, you may be able to relax the edge right off of the pain. Using these techniques have been show to do wonders for the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
About the Author:
The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can go far beyond swollen angry joints, as can the complications. To find out more, please visit my website: Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms