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Get Rid of the Ineffective Ways To Burn Fat By Making Sure You Do This When You Try

By Heather Johnson

When it comes to weight loss strategies, there are a million and a half out there. There are pills and a slew of really specialized diets all with very large promises. However, a new recent study done by Harvard compared all sorts of diets, liquid shakes, and pills, compared to good old fashion exercise and eating better.

It should come as zero surprise to you that the exercise and nutrition made the pills look terrible at getting results. It's pretty strange to think that even though most people know exercise is a lot more effective, they will still rely completely on pills and the such.

What specifically works really well about fitness and what you eat is nothing new so let's take a closer look at this.

1. A Calorie Deficiency

You need to be running at a small calorie deficiency when you want to lose weight really fast and safely too. The thing about your calorie intake being low is it will force your body to go after your body fat to make up the calorie difference. This is proven because it's just how your body works and it's all science. The great thing about creating this deficiency is you don't need to cut things by a ton, just about 250 to 300 a day is all you need.

2. Professional Exercise Is The Key

So if you want to make fat really burn off quickly, you need to add some resistance training to the mix. The workouts help your body build or at least maintain your lean muscle mass which means you burn more calories faster. Having your lean mass stay consistent means you keep your metabolism boosted as well and that is the real key here.

This all forces your body to use fat as an energy source where if you didn't exercise, it might turn to muscle to protect it's energy levels.

3. Go Long Term

The best thing about this is it's long term nature. You can't keep a fad diet or shake plan up for the rest of your life. But you can easily keep active through exercise and learn to eat better.

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